Heat Transfer and Thermal Analysis for Pipelines

  • Author: Technical Toolboxes
  • Level: Intermediate 
  • Study time: 1 hour
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This course covers the modeling of heat transfer and thermal analyses for pipelines. 

It is intended to provide engineers with a practical understanding of the fundamental principles of energy balance analysis for gas, liquid and multiphase flow pipelines.

  • Video time: 38 minutes
  • Exams: 1

Dr. Kunal Dutta-Roy 

Co-founder and Managing Consultant at EICE International, SME at Technical Toolboxes
Dr. Kunal Dutta-Roy is well-recognized in the petroleum industry as a thought leader and pioneer in adapting advanced technologies to oilfield operations analysis, having led several successful initiatives with the leading technology providers in this area in a career spanning over forty years.

His expertise extends from the reservoir, through the wellbore and production facilities, and further downstream to the pipelines and processing facilities. Dr. Dutta-Roy’s recent clients include Marathon Oil, Pipeline Research Council International, US Dept. of Transportation, Halliburton, ConocoPhillips, and Schlumberger.

His current focus includes an analysis of ongoing green energy initiatives in the petroleum industry. Dr. Dutta-Roy holds a bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT-ISM), along with MS and PhD degrees, also in Petroleum Engineering, from the University of Tulsa.