February 27, 2024: Cathodic Protection for Buried Pipelines

  • Author: David Willoughby
  • Level: Advanced
  • Study time: 6.5 hours
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Course overview
What is cathodic protection and how does it work? What is the purpose of cathodic protection?

The Cathodic Protection (CP) System Design for Buried Pipelines course is offered as a 6.5-hour course that covers these questions as well as corrosion principles and CP concepts as they apply to buried pipelines. Course topics include factors that influence CP design, pipeline CP design approach, pipeline CP system and materials, and CP design examples. This course utilizes a combination of theory and practical information and is designed to provide in-depth coverage of the principles and concepts of pipeline CP design.  The course will provide design calculations and examples.

Course Objective: The objective of this course is for each student to understand the fundamentals of CP design for buried pipelines. The Course is designed to provide the student with an in-depth knowledge of CP design principles, concepts, and methods. The course provides examples of CP design and calculations. 

Target Audience: Pipeline, utility, and consulting engineers with a desire to obtain training for oversight of  CP design on buried pipelines.  This class is will assist engineers in meeting the requirements for CP design stated in many RFP’s and government regulations that state that the CP engineer must be accredited or certified by NACE International as a NACE Accredited Corrosion Specialist or a NACE certified Cathodic Protection (CP) Specialist or be a professional engineer who has certification or licensing that includes education and experience in corrosion control of buried or submerged metallic piping and tank systems.

PDH Certificate included upon successful completion

  • Course Outline

    Cathodic Protection Basics – How it Works
    • Functional Requirements for Cathodic Protection
    • Practical Application of Cathodic Protection
    • Design Approach
    • Design Parameters
    • Design Calculations
    • CP Current Requirement Determination
    • Coating Conductance Calculations
    • CP Total Circuit Resistance Calculations
    • CP System Life Determination
    • CP System Voltage Calculations
    • CP Current Distribution
    • CP Pipeline Current Attenuation
    • Anode to pipeline spacing & current distribution
  • Buried Pipeline CP System Design Examples
    • Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) Systems
    • ICCP Ground Bed Design Examples
    • ICCP Design Calculations
    • ICCP Design Examples
    • Deep Anode System Example
    • Sacrificial Cathodic Protection (SCP) Design Examples
    • Information Required for SCP Design
    • SCP System Resistance
    • SCP Design Examples

David Willoughby

Cathodic Protection Design SME, Former Director RK&K
David Willoughby has specializations in cathodic protection design, corrosion control, and AC interference analysis with extensive experience in the design, construction, and implementation of cathodic protection systems and AC mitigation methods. Mr. Willoughby is a NACE certified cathodic protection specialist.
During his career, Mr. Willoughby has gained significant experience and training in corrosion control and cathodic protection of multiple facilities. His primary areas of expertise include performing engineering feasibility studies, performing corrosion evaluations and assessments, AC modeling and mitigation, and recommendation and design of corrosion control measures for storage tanks and pipeline facilities.
Mr. Willoughby is an industry-recognized expert in AC interference modeling and mitigation. He has extensive experience utilizing the SES Right of Way, PRCI, and TTB PowerTool software packages. Mr. Willoughby also developed in-house computer programs for performing QA/QC reviews of all AC interference modeling and mitigation design projects. He provides AC interference and CP design training to the pipeline and utility industries. He has presented AC training to several key industry clients such as Enbridge, Kinder Morgan, and Phillips 66 and has spoken at multiple industry workshops.